Tricky taxadministration cashed more and more taxesThe wine-growing generated numerous taxes in the course of time: A doortax (Torsteuer) for the transport of the wine from outside to Vienna, a storagetax (Lagersteuer) for the storage of the wine in the cellars. A 10% drinkingtax (Trinksteuer) for bar called Ungeld ("un-cash"). The collecting officials were called Ungelter. Vienna's wine taxes were the supreme at these times, nowhere wine was covered as high as in Vienna. A increase of tax was very simple: the tax was left unchanged, the measure was changed. A tax reform by Maria Theresia simplified the taxes from eight(!) to one, of course there was no reduction of taxes.In baroque time the theatre for the nobles of Vienna started a boom as well as streetmusicians and so called Pawlatschenbühnen, popular and crude theatre, in the suburbs of Vienna for small people, who went outside Vienna for amusements. Outside there were lower prices and taxes (Verzehrsteuer) for wine. For amusement adlib-verses and bagpipe-music were performed in restaurants. In 17th century at the suburbs behind the military wall (Linienwall - today Gürtel, constructed 1704) popular places of pilgrimage were Hernals (17th Vienna district), the mountain Kahlenberg as well as the Leopoldstadt (2nd Vienna district). Perhaps more because of the winerestaurants (Weinschenken) and Heurigen than because of the churches. In the Prater (in Leopoldstadt) the Emperor's hunters ran their own taverns by virtue of a privilege for the exemption from taxes. Initially wine and beer was poured out, later then also fish and roast venison.
Weinbau von Aquatinta (Winegrowing in Aquatinta) by Benedikt Piringer and Kilian Ponheimer d.Ä. from the cycle Kaufrufe 1804-1812 Scroll articles:
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