Buschen - pinesbrunches hanging means the Heurige is open. Come people, come!Kaiser Otto I. beated the Magyars on the Lechfeld near Augsburg and the Babenberger's dominion in Vienna began 976. Leopold I. became count (Markgraf) of a new Bavarian province called Ostmark. Later this Ostmark became Austria. The wines produced in the Ostmark were called Easterwines (Osterweine), a first trademark.Vienna became more important, from 1096 the crusaders rested here in Vienna coming from the north on the Bernsteinstrasse. Numerous wine bars and restaurants were founded. Heinrich II. (Jasomirgott) 1156 transferred the residence from Klosterneuburg (north of Vienna) to Vienna and so this city had a new upswing. The first around 1170 historically mentioned wine-grower was a citizen of Vienna named Reingerus, owners of 3 vineyards.
The first picture of a Buschenschank originates from the pedigree of the Hans Part (1489-1492), a Babenberger, about 250 years after the dominion of the Babenberger. The Babenberger died out 1246 with Friedrich II. The Bohemian king Przemysl Ottokar II. conquered Austria against Rudolf I., a Habsburg, whose election to Kaiser 1273 Ottokar II. did not acknowledge. 1276 Rudolf I. besieged Vienna, but could not take the city. Even when he threatened to destroy the vineyards the Vienna decided to give up on November 26, 1276. Scroll articles:
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