By coach to HeurigerThe citizens drove to the country outing with a coach called Zeiserlwagen to the suburbs, the finer gentlemen drove with the Fliegenschütz - later called Fiacre. Noble and good situated drove with the Janschky-Wagen, a coach named after the transport-entrepreneur (Fuhrwerksunternehmer) Josef Janschky. These coaches were well known for the discretion of the liveried drivers.The world-weariness, this longing for death, is documented by the high suicide-rate in this time. The poet Ferdinand Sauter composed in a classic Vienna-song: "Verkauft's mei Gwand, i bin im Himml" (Sell my robe, I am in heaven). The romanticism of the Heurigen, in which happened a good part of the public life, was described by poets like the above mentioned Ferdinand Sauter, Ferdinand Raimund and Johann Nepomuk Nestroy. Nestroy played the harpist, a typical Heurigen-musician, which sung the "damischer Hansel" (mad Hans) in the play "Neither laureltree nor beggar's hat". Also Raimund sang as harpist, he sang the nightingale in the play "The chained imagination". Outside the gates of Vienna there were so many Heurige, a suburban named Neulerchenfeld was called the largest tavern of the Holy Roman Empire. At the Linienwall soldiers checked the persons - and freight traffic from and to Vienna. Since 1830 they cashed a tax, the so-called Verzehrsteuer, which was abolished in 1892 by incorporating of suburbs to Vienna. The soldiers were called "Spinatwachteln" (spinach quail) because of their green advances.
from "Wiener Faschingslust" (Vienna carnevallust), Graphic work by J.Albrecht 1854 (slightly modified) Scroll articles:
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