The Heurige was bornAfter the Romans had given up the military camp Vindobona, in the course of migration of nations many people came to Vienna like the Huns, Goths and Awares.The holy Severin (geb.482) lived in Heiligenstadt (19th district) at the vineyards, possibly this is where this 19th district (Heiligenstadt = Holy town) got it's name from. Karl the Great obviously liked drinking wine and remitted numerous ordinances regarding the wine-growing. Worth mentioning is the 'Capitulare de villis' in the year 795, which contained exact orders to the wine-growing and the wine bars, the so-called Reifwirtschaften. The Awares were beaten Karl the Great, after a short peaceful time in the year 881 the Magyars came. In this time the winegrowers in Vienna started to bar their wine, the so-called Heurige, a wine bar, was born. The post-roman colonization of Vienna was beside the military camp Vindobona and was called Berghof. A administration system (Bergrecht) for vineyards was established. Scroll articles:
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