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Production of wine and anecdotes: damned booze and drunk to death
Viennese production of wine has reached enormous extents.
Around 1400 10 million liters were exported annually. To the comparison: today
the quantity has shrunk on the half, the country of Austria exports annually 20
million liters.
Curious: Pope Gregor XI. noted 1373 praising the Viennese
wine. Äneas Silvius Piccolomini (later Pope Pius II.) wondered at the gigantic
consummation and trade of wine in Vienna. For a meal there were calculated 3
liters of wine. Abraham a Santa Clara damned the dissolute life. The crop in
1456 was such a bad quality of wine, the Vienneses poured this hooch out on the
streets, and emperor Friedrich III. disposed this "present of
God" for use in mortar for the building the tower of St.Stephan's
cathedral. 1499 it is noted authentically, that "many died, because they
drunk to death".
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