Familiar idyll in nature of the Biedermeier in post-revolution 18th centuryFrom the 18th century many wine areas disappeared, since the Viennese economy flourished and Viennse population gained continually. The militarily ineffective wall called Linienwall was torn down starting in 1893 and a street, the Gürtel (like a belt around Vienna), was constructed. With increase of the population the consumption of wine inceased also. The decrease of wine-yards and the the increase of the self-needs caused a reduction the wine-exports.The regulation called "josefinische Zirkularverordnung" in the year 1784 from emperor Josef II. was and still is the basis for the business of the Heurigen: "... and give the freedom, to sell self-produced food, wine and Obstmost to all times of the year, whenever and to which price ever.". This ordinance by the way was in force for the entire empire. Of course there were Heurigen already in the suburb, but through construction-activities in the city of Vienna there was an exodus from the cities. Vienna citizens built houses around the country seats of the noble. The suspension of about 800 convents per imperial ordinance on January 12, 1782 started a new boom. Noble bought country seats and arranged gardens. A colonization of the landscape started. In the time called Biedermeier from 1815 to the revolution-year 1848 the ascent of the middle class began. The name Biedermeier was created first in 1855 in a lampoon, the socalled "Fliegende Blätter" (Flying Papers). The increasing prosperity stimulated the business of the Heurigen. The people drove to a one-day-trip to the suburbs. There they enjoyed the familiar idyll, which short-people's tranquillity and the nature.
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