The wine (Vitis) is a climbing wooden plant. The leaves are divided like fingers, the blossoms are not easily seen. The berries are edible and used for the production of juice and wine. The "natural wine" (Vitis vinifera) is known since 3500 ante Christ. The wine requires much sun and a floor, which warms up quickly. The wine produced from the berries is a fluid alcoholic through fermentation. The crop starts in september and ends in November. The berries are ground to mash. Then the juice is pressed. The juice is put into barrels. First it "clouds", after that it foams through CO2. After the fermentation the wine becomes clear. In wine-cellars. You should be extremely cautious, because also the poisonous carbon monoxide emerges, which is heavier than air and thus it will be on the bottom in the cellar. The first drink starts at the beginning of the new year, this wine is called Heuriger. The so-called natural wine does not contain additional sugar. More information to Heurigen in Vienna and to Viennese wine