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British help for Austria
Under directory ofLadyMargretFalmouth the British red cross settled the
headquarter inKlagenfurt (Carinthia) in May 1945, the help for Vienna started
end of August 1945. In this aid the British red cross was involved, the circle
of the holyJohnJoint Was organization, the catholic committee for foreign aid
the British Quakers, as well as the Salvation army. For short time an
organization helped also, which was named "FriendsAmbulanceUnitsAustria".
The city of Vienna helped in the British, Russian and French zone to growing
and calming mothers with monthly 3.400 packages. To end 1946 more than 50.000
packages were submitted. Undernourished children received help for 8 weeks
through cookings, so 1.500 undernourished children were helped. The British
relief effort provided also the Mautner-Markhofsche children's hospital,
whichPreyersche children's hospital and theLeopoldstädter children's hospital.
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