Preparation of coffeeGeneral hints
Brewing coffeeThere are countless methods and secret recipes. The following list presented here can only be a start, not complete. Filter coffeeWhether automatically or manually, the principle is equal: Hot water is filtered through grinded coffee. The coffee lies in a filter from porous material, mostly paper. Filters are formed either flat or to a funnel. Flat filters require crude grinded coffee, funnels require finely grinded coffee. A funnel is to be preferred for the preparation of a good coffee. At an automatic coffeemachine, never leave the brewed coffee in the can! It's getting better already after some minutes. For the storage take a good thermos-bottle. So the coffee keeps his specific taste. French pressThe French press is composed of a tank formed to a cup with a plunger of fine-netted wire, which is attached at the cover. This method of brewing coffee is quite common and can not only used for single cups but also for several cups at once. At this method a cup is preheated first by heated flowing water. Take middle-fine grinded coffee, give boiling water in the glass. Leave it three to four minutes. The plunger is put on and lowered as far as possible. This method may sound complicated, but in reality it is quite simple. Keep this point in mind, that the coffee, which you use in this method, should be grinded not too finely. EspressoWith Espresso the largest possible taste is striven for at smallest water. This can be reached with high pressure. At the purchase of a Espresso-machine consider the following: Cheaper machines probably have fewer pressure and so produce a tasty, intense coffee-drink. Besides it is to be considered, that the coffee must be grinded finely. The crude the coffee, the fewer taste. The coffee should be grinded as fine as possible. Read the description of the Espresso-machine. How grinded coffee should be lastely dependends on the size of the holes in the metal-filter. Experiment a little. Do not take too much coffee, which makes Espresso taste bitterly. Espresso-machines are available in different completions: as desktop (standup) for many Espressos, which for gastronomy-organizations is interesting, as well as standup for the oven. The principle of working is equal. Storage of coffeeHow already mentions, coffee-beans will lose their taste rather quickly. Still more quickly after they are grinded. Following is recommended, to keep the taste: