HistoricThe history the coffee starts in the northern Africa, not far from the pyramids of Gizeh (Egypt). The first written mention of coffee was made by the Arabic doctor Rhazes, mentions in the year 940 a.d. The earliest coffee was planted in Ethiopia, which belonged to Yemen in the southern Arabia, where for the first time around 1200 a.d. the rust of Coffeebeans resulted. The drink became popularly with the whirling dervishes, which drank it, to get power for their lengthy dances. In the fifteenth century coffee was brought to Mecca, center the islamic world. Coffeehouses developed there and moslim pilgrims spread news of this wonderful fortifier in the entire islamic empire, including Spain, Egypt, Iran, and Turkey. 1643 in Paris the first coffeehouse of Europe was founded, Oxford 1650 and London 1652 followed. The first the known Viennese coffeehouses was opened 1685. The effect of coffeeThe word caffeine is commonly - also in ideas how about caffeinates, decaffeinates, reduced caffeine. Caffeine is the name for the chemical substance Trimethylxantin. This natural substance is a result of photosynthesis within the coffee - plant. The substance is found likewise in cocoa, tea, and the Coke - nut. It works on the central nervous system, the mental watchfulness is stimulated. Moderately drinking coffee is known as good for health since centuries.