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Practical tips for Vienna-travelers
There is a very good transportation-service with Strassenbahn (tramway),
autobus, U-Bahn (subway/metro), Schnellbahn (local train). You can get tickets
specially for tourists. For buying tickets in train/bus You need coins (and pay
more than when buying in advance sale), so better You ask in the hotel. There
also are ticket-machines, but handling is not easy and the more the tariffsystem
offers many special advantages and therefor it is complex. By the way, You can
buy tickets also in "Tabak-Trafik", special shops for papers and
Autobus (Line 44B at Sportclub-stadium)

Tramway (Line 2 at stateopera)

Subway (Line U1 at station Stephansplatz)

Schnellbahn (Line S45 at station Hernals)

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