Practical tips for Vienna-travelersTax Free ShoppingDreaming of a tax free weekend or even a tax free week? Well, too good to be
true, but here is one of the best tax-tips for tourists: How to doIn the shop
At customsWhen You leave the European Union show Your purchased goods, the tax-free-cheque and Your passport. The tax-free-cheque is now stamped. Important: The goods must be exported within 3 months plus the month of the purchase. Sales Tax Refund (VAT-Refund)After a deduction of a handling fee You receive 15% (instead of 16,67%) of Your purchase price. You can refund in Austria (airport; Steffl at Kaerntner Strasse 19; C&A at Mariahilfer Strasse 96-98; OeAMTC at Schubertring 1-3; there are more Cash Refund Offices)