Joseph Haydn was born as Franz Joseph Haydn on March 31, 1732 as a son of the cartwright and later market judge Mathias Haydn and his wife Anna Maria in the village Rohrau (Lower Austria). They had twelve children but only six survived, except Franz Joseph the brothers Michael and Johann Evangelist and the three sisters Franziska, Anna Maria and Anna Katharina. From 1738 he lived at a relative Johann Mathias Frankh in Hainburg and received a musical basic education. 1740 Georg von Reutter, musical director at cathedral St.Stephan in Vienna, discovers him. He took Haydn to Vienna, where he was a choir singer for nine years. The treatment was not well, he often had had to starve. 1749 voice breaking began, Haydn could not reach the high tones. Under a pretext he was dismissed from the choir of St.Stephan. He found accomodation at Johann Michael Spangler, a member of the cathedral choir, and lived on casual jobs as for instance violonist in ensembles and orchestras as well as music teacher. As the Spanglers expected a after-growth he changed to family Buchholz into a roof chamber in the Michaelerhaus at the Kohlmarkt. On recommendation of the imperial poet Pietro Metastasio he was employed as correpetitor at the Italian composer Niccola Porpora. Haydn moved to Seilerstaette. 1754 his mother died. Within ten years Haydn wrote string quartets and an opera. Haydn received acknowledgment for his works. 1755 he wrote string quartets for Joseph von Fuernberg of castle Weinzierl at Wieselburg in Lower Austria. Joseph Haydn played with baron Fuernberg, his administrator and father confessor.
The Esterhazys had not only a castle in Eisenstadt (today Burgenland), but also winter quarters in Vienna and (at that time) new constructed castle Eszterhaza in Hungary. Haydn went with them as livery-servant.
Haydn had a secured income at Esterhazy's and so he could develop his personal musical style. It wrote many compositions in these 30 years in the house of Esterhazy. Particularly the princes Paul Anton and Nikolaus I. recognized Haydn's musical talent and supported him. 1765 Haydn made catalog of his works, the so-called "Entwurfskatalog". 1766 Haydn acquired a house in Eisenstadt, in the Klostergasse 82, today since 1935 a museum in the Joseph Haydn-Gasse 19&21. On August 2, 1768 a fire broke out. Around 1770 Haydn's compository style has changed. A kind of "Storm and Stress"-period showed up in strange minor harmony and sudden musical transitions. Haydn attained popularity also outside of the house of Esterhazy and published works also outside of the house of Esterhazy. 1779 for the first time Haydn's symphonies were performed in France. 1776 Haydn's biography titled "Gelehrten Oesterreich" was published. On July 17, 1776 for the second time there was a fire in Haydn's house in Klostergasse. On October 27, 1778 Haydn sold his house in Eisenstadt. 1779 the opera house in castle Esterhaz burned down. The castle was prince Esterhazy's favorite domicile at the south point of the lake Neusiedlersee, today in Hungary. 1781 Haydn developed a close friendship to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Haydn and Mozart played together string quartets. Haydn was very much impressed of Mozart. It is remarkable that Haydn composed no more operas and concerts, this was domain of Mozart. 1782 Haydn's of works were performed in America. 1784 he wrote on order of the board of directors "Concerts de la loge Olympique" the six "Pariser Sinfonien" (Parisian symphonies) Nr.82-87. On Februar 12, 1785 Haydn said to Mozart's father: "... your son the greatest composer, which I know in person and name: it has taste, and over that the greatest compository sience". Haydn also was member of freemason, in the freemason's lodge "Zur gekrönten Hoffnung" (To crowned hope). 1786 he wrote the original orchestra version of the "Sieben letzten Worte unseres Erlösers am Kreuze" (Seven last words of the savior on the cross). On September 28, 1790 prince Nikolaus from Esterhazy, which splendor-loving, a large Maezen Haydn's died. His non-musical successor Anton Esterhazy dissolved the orchestra and Haydn became pensioner with 1400 florins. Haydn received an offer from the Londoner concert agent Johann Peter Salomon to go to London to perform his symphonies with large orchestra there.
1797 Haydn composed the Austrian national anthem, "Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser", also known as "Kaiserhymne". The music today still is Germany's anthem. "Die Schoepfung" was very successfully first performed on April 29/30, 1798. 1798 Haydn became member of the Royal Swedish Academy and 1801 honor member of the Gesellschaft der Verdienste "Felix meritis" / Amsterdam as well as foreign member of the Institut de France in Paris. 1800 Joseph Haydn's wife died. From 1802 Haydn's health worsened and he could not compose anymore. He received many honors, but he no longer played public
On May 31, 1809 after an attack of the French army on Vienna Joseph Haydn died. On June 15, 1809 a Requiem took place under large sympathy of Viennese people. Burying took place at the cementary Hundsturmer Friedhof. The former cemetery today is in the 12th Vienna district and the park there is called the Haydn park. The skull however was removed from the body 3 days after burying by two Viennese "for science purpose". They wanted to demonstrate the "Gall's Skull-theory" with Haydn's skull. According to this theory there is a connection between head form and a character and gift. 1820 Haydn's mortal remnants were transferred to the church Bergkirche in Eisenstadt. 1932 Dr.Paul Esterhazy sponsored a mausoleum, which remained empty. The skull however remained (since 1895) at the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (society of the music friends). Even 1954 Haydn's skull was brought to the church Bergkirche in Eisenstadt. Now Haydn's complete mortal covering was buried in the mausoleum.