Pictures of Vienna - The inner cityOn the left there is the subject (underlined) as clickable link and on the right more description of the picture. Click on the link of the picture You want to see.
Old castle (alte Hofburg) View to entrance in direction of the square In der Burg, fountain on the right,
Old castle (alte Hofburg) Old castle with entrance
Old castle (alte Hofburg) Entrance to the old castle
Old castle (alte Hofburg) At night at the square with monument Kaiser Franz I.
Old castle (alte Hofburg) Monument Kaiser Franz I., paking automobiles
Old castle (alte Hofburg) Entrance to Imperial Silver Collection
Old castle (alte Hofburg) In winter at the square with monument Kaiser Franz I.
Old castle (alte Hofburg) View to the square with monument Kaiser Franz I.
Old castle (alte Hofburg) Coming from square Ballhausplatz
Old townhall From a sidestreet
Old townhall Entrance to rectory
Old townhall Facade with clock and figures
Old townhall To a corner, balcony and windows
Arc-walk Nice walk with iron laterns
Bohemian Royal Chancellery (Boehmische Hofkanzlei) Oblique view
Archiepiscopal palais Oblique view
Fiacre Oblique frontview
The Graben View to St.Stephan's Cathedral
The Graben Fountain and pestilence-column
The Graben Looking direction Tuchlauben
The Graben Advertising-lights, fountain and pestilence-column
The Graben On a sunny day
The Graben View to the column up to the sky
The Graben In Winter looking from Postsparkassa-Haus in direction St.Stephan's cathedral
The Graben View in direction Postsparkassa-Haus
The Graben Looking from Postsparkassa-Haus in direction St.Stephan's cathedral
The Graben Oblique view
The Graben Oblique view of the pestilence-column, direction Kohlmarkt
The Graben Oblique view of the square
The Graben Sideview of the pestilence-column
The Graben From Postsparkassa-Haus
Haas-house Cloudy day
Haas-house Sunny day
Haas-house Looking down
Haas-house Moving staircases and statue
Hotel Sacher View from street Philharmonikerstrasse
Church Kapuzinerkirche Stone-table with liberation army marching downhill from Kahlenberg 1683
Church Kapuzinerkirche Stone-table with the fortifications 1683
Church Kapuzinerkirche Entrance with cross and painting
Church Kapuzinerkirche Niche with Statue P.Markus von Aviano
Church Kapuzinerkirche Statue P.Markus von Aviano
Street Kaerntnerstrasse View from opera in direction St.Stephan's cathederal
Street Kaerntnerstrasse Christmaslights
Street Kaerntnerstrasse Frontview
St.Stephan's Cathedral View up to the northern tower
St.Stephan's Cathedral Painting of the torture of Christ
St.Stephan's Cathedral Detail at southside of the cathederal
St.Stephan's Cathedral Tombstone with coulered marble
St.Stephan's Cathedral Tombstone with Jesus Christ
St.Stephan's Cathedral Tombstones
St.Stephan's Cathedral Tombstones in a niche
St.Stephan's Cathedral House Stephansplatz 1
St.Stephan's Cathedral House Stephansplatz 1
St.Stephan's Cathedral Long tombstone with skulls
St.Stephan's Cathedral Model of the dome
St.Stephan's Cathedral Relief
St.Stephan's Cathedral Table at southern tower
St.Stephan's Cathedral Two tombstones from wall with entrance
St.Stephan's Cathedral Two more tombstones
St.Stephan's Cathedral The cathederal under blue sky
St.Stephan's Cathedral Haashouse left, Erzbischoefliches Palais in the background, oblique view to cathederal
St.Stephan's Cathedral Winter. Haashouse left, Erzbischoefliches Palais in the background, oblique view to cathederal
St.Stephan's Cathedral Cathederal in the sun
St.Stephan's Cathedral Looking up to the two towers
St.Stephan's Cathedral Entrance and the two roman towers.
St.Stephan's Cathedral Frontview
St.Stephan's Cathedral Ticket-selling
St.Stephan's Cathedral Archeological excavation - View to front in direction altar
St.Stephan's Cathedral Archeological excavation - View to entrance
St.Stephan's Cathedral View to right nave
St.Stephan's Cathedral View to the northern choir
St.Stephan's Cathedral View in direction chancel
St.Stephan's Cathedral The altar
St.Stephan's Cathedral The altar
St.Stephan's Cathedral The organ
St.Stephan's Cathedral Chancel
St.Stephan's Cathedral Katharin's chapel
St.Stephan's Cathedral Cross-chapel
St.Stephan's Cathedral Master Pilgram
St.Stephan's Cathedral View direction altar
St.Stephan's Cathedral Relief of coulered marble
St.Stephan's Cathedral Reliefs
St.Stephan's Cathedral View up to the two smaller towers and the south-tower
St.Stephan's Cathedral From Graben
St.Stephan's Cathedral From square Graben
St.Stephan's Cathedral At square Stephansplatz, view up
Street Kohlmarkt In the shadow
Street Kohlmarkt With Christmaslights
Church Malteserkirche From street Kaerntnerstrasse
Church Malteserkirche View to the altar
Church Michaelerkirche From Michaelertor
Church Michaelerkirche From Herrengasse
Church Michaelerkirche From Herrengasse
Square Michaelerplatz In foreground are excavation from Medieval times
Square Michaelerplatz Looking from Kohlmarkt
Square Michaelerplatz Going to the old castle (alte Hofburg)
Square Michaelerplatz Going to the old castle (alte Hofburg), wide view with fiacres
Square Michaelerplatz Going to the old castle (alte Hofburg), narrow picture with fiacres
Square Michaelerplatz Frontview
Square Michaelerplatz Frontview with fiacre
Square Michaelerplatz Left side
Square Michaelerplatz Sideview, looking up
Square Michaelerplatz Looking to Michaelertor from the square In der Burg (alte Hofburg)
Square Michaelerplatz From the square In der Burg
Square Michaelerplatz Exhibition
Square Michaelerplatz View into a small shopping zone
Square Michaelerplatz View looking Reitschulgasse
Square Michaelerplatz Fountain
Church Minoritenkirche Frontview with entrance
Church Minoritenkirche Frontview from square Minoritenplatz
Church Minoritenkirche Gothic way
Church Minoritenkirche Tombstone in the gothic way
Church Minoritenkirche View to altar
Church Minoritenkirche Monument Pietro Metastasio des Lucardi
Church Minoritenkirche Chapel
Church Minoritenkirche Mosaic The last supper
Neuer Markt The middle of the square
Neuer Markt More close look
Church Peterskirche View with a shadow
Church Peterskirche Entrance from the side
Church Peterskirche Frontview
Church Peterskirche Frontview
Church Peterskirche Relief
Church Peterskirche View from entrance to altar
Church Peterskirche Cupola with beautiful painting
Church Peterskirche Oblique view to altar
Church Peterskirche Sidewall with paintings and figures
Roman ruins Rest of walls and a show-case
Roman ruins Basis of a house with floor-heating
Roman ruins Floorheating
Roman ruins This way to the ruins of Vindobona
Church St.Ruprecht (Rupert's church) From square Morzin-Platz
Church St.Ruprecht (Rupert's church) From the stairs named Ruprechtsstiege
Church St.Ruprecht (Rupert's church) From the square Ruprechtsplatz
Church St.Ruprecht (Rupert's church) From the street Judengasse
Imperial silver collection Golden chandelier, reflexions of glasses
Imperial silver collection Goblets and small altars, reflexions of glasses
Square Stock im Eisen-Platz Sign of Vienna
Synagogue at the Judengasse Oblique view downhill
Virgil-chapel Blick in den Innenraum
Virgil-chapel more narrow picture
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