One of the small lanes is named Landhausgasse and goes to square Minoritenplatz where is located the church Minoritenkirche (11). We continue our walk to square Ballhaus Platz with two remarkable buildings, the Chancellor's residence (Bundeskanzleramt) (12) and President's residence (Praesidentschaftskanzlei) (13). There is the square Heldenplatz, but we go to through the lane Schauflergasse to square Michaelerplatz. At Michaelerplatz we see the church St.Michael (14). We see Roman excavations with mosaics and old channels and walk through Michaelertor (15) to the old castle (alte Burg) (16). We continue and come to the square Heldenplatz where we see the (neue) Hofburg and in the background the Burgtor or heroe's monument (Heldendenkmal) (17). We return through the big gate Michaelertor and at square Michaelerplatz we turn right to lane Reitschulgasse. There we see the arcades of the Stallburg (18).